Treatment of Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine. Standard Fibromyalgia symptoms are pain of the muscle fiber, trigger points soar when pressed, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, flu like symptoms, insomnia, & cognitive dysfunction. Triggers can be physical trauma, surgery, infections. Patients may be taking pain medications however there is acupuncture and a herbal alternative to resolve muscle and joint pain. Some patients maybe intolerant to wheat/dairy/gluten and may also have symptoms i.e. IBS. and other patients may have been overworking or stressed and have developed fibromyalgia. There are 4 categories that a therapist will check and then complete a Chinese Acupuncture/Herbal Solution. There are Acupuncture Point Prescriptions specifically for this condition and a herbal prescription to take. Symptoms should begin to resolve and a patient can get back to normal. These herbs treat Pain and a patient may not have to continue pain medications once the herbs/acupuncture take effect. This therapy will strengthen the organs involved, move qi and blood and resolve pathogens from the body. Exercise will help increasing oxygen to the body and a healthy diet.
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