Infertility because of stress and why it affects fertility!

The liver is the organ in Chinese medicine that is affected by stress.  The liver meridian flows through the pelvis.  The flow of energy or qi is obstructed and this affects the menstrual cycle and the hormone level released by the Pituitary Gland.   Also the movement of the egg/expulsion and the passage to the uterus can be affected and a condition called LUF (lutenised unruptured follicle) where there is not enough LH to lutenise the follicle.

Stress may cause tension on the fallopian tube, uterus and cervix and symptoms like PMT present each month before the menstrual cycle causing irritability, soar breasts, headache, anger, etc

The Solution

Treating the liver meridian with acupuncture & herbs will resolve these symptoms over  a few weeks and also reduce the feeling of emotional stress and resolving this particular cause of infertility!


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