Shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox. The virus can remain dormant in nerve cells for many years after the onset of chickenpox. The first symptom of a herpes zoster attack is usually pain or tingling over the area to be affected. A few days later, a red rash appears. The red bumps soon turn to virus-filled blisters which then dry, crust, and turn yellow. Eruptions usually occur on only one side of the body, either over the ribs, on one half of the face, or as a strip on one half of the neck and adjoining arm; or on the lower body.
Typically shingles strikes the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems. Postherpetic neuralgia is pain due to nerve damage. It may be serious and persist for many months. A herpes zoster attack accompanied by eye pain should be reported to a physician immediately, as ophthalmic herpes zoster may have serious complications.
Acupuncture with the use of the tens machine and herbs are very effective in treating shingles pain, post neuralgia and clearing the virus from your body naturally in a short length of time.